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2016-08-08 S.B. min. Exec.Session
Town of Princeton, Mass. – Aug. 8, 2016
Executive Session Minutes  -  BOARD OF SELECTMEN   

Executive Session

6:05 PM  Selectmen took roll call vote in regular session and opened executive session. Nina reported that at a recent meeting of all district towns, with Sterling absent, everyone supported WRSD paying each town a fee for water & sewer. One concept was to figure the cost of septic system replacement and the district would pay each town 1/10 over a ten year period. It could be held locally in a stabilization account dedicated to that purpose.
        Group discussed descending order of the towns’ agreement: first the regional agreement; then the lease agreement; then the maintenance agreement. The district covers plowing and mowing costs. Nina said a flat rate per school was proposed for each town, at $22,823.00 annually. Selectmen wanted to add provision that allows town to bill the district for any repairs that the district fails to do which the town then does instead. Nina explained that the district and the other area managers agreed that the issue was sufficiently covered in the changes made to the lease agreement. The district will submit an annual report to each town; a capital plan will be in five-year cycles with site inspections which should be done by both parties at a minimum of once per year.
        The issue of warrantees and keeping and verifying maintenance records came up. Both parties need to receive copies from manufacturers and contractors. Edith said a Maintenance Advisory Committee could keep track of these items. Nina described a database program which Joe Scanlon is using to track all assets and maintenance detail. Stan suggested having a new maintenance agreement in hand before the town pays the next installment of its assessment—in three months. The Board members acknowledged that if the district and the other towns were not in favor, it might not be feasible to try to have additional language added to the lease.
        Stan also noted that the current leach field probably doesn’t have a contingency space to move to, as per current Title V, and a repair would mean a complete rebuild—this is the worst-case scenario. An engineer would need to assess this cost, the district and the town could choose a firm jointly, or each party could get an estimate and then negotiate an agreement.
6:45 PM  Stan moved and Edith seconded a motion to proceed with the lease agreement with changes as presented and in roll call, Jon, Edith and Stan each said “aye.”
6:50 PM  Selectmen closed the executive session with Stan making a motion to adjourn, Jon seconded and in roll call vote they adjourned with Jon, Edith and Stan each saying “aye.”

Respectfully submitted, Marie N. Auger, administrative assistant

BOS Referenced Documents:  Lease and maintenance documents from WRSD